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Avancerad nivå (Magister- och Masterexamen)

Magisterprogram i Internationell strategisk ledning

60 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2025 se detaljer
60 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2025 se detaljer

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2025

  • Klassrum
  • Lund

Om utbildningen

The MSc in International Strategic Management is a one-year programme for bachelors in business administration, interested in how to analyse, formulate and implement strategies and in becoming a senior organisational leader.

Business is increasingly faced with challenges that threaten current business models, but also represent huge opportunities. This programme provides you with the knowledge and skills on how to recognise these challenges and act upon them to ensure long-term success. You will learn how to make decisions that can make or break your company, but also how to implement them.

We offer the latest insights into managerial strategy through a variety of small-scale teaching methods, ensuring an exciting and challenging learning experience. We emphasise both sophisticated scientific insights and linkages with business practice. The MSc in International Strategic Management combines state-of-the-art research with strong links to practice through industry projects in which scientific tools is applied to solve real company issues. The programme also offers the opportunity to combine the Master's thesis with a company assignment.

The courses in the programme provide you with an understanding of the key areas balancing theoretical elements with applied and practical aspects related to the topics of the different courses. Sustainability issues, including issues related to business ethics, are key components of our courses, giving you the opportunity to reflect and discuss on the different roles of companies in society.

Give your career a flying start with the latest thinking in comparative international strategic management and put your learning into practice with our unique action-learning approach. You will graduate with a thorough understanding of strategic thinking and the key skills of international business consulting.

International opportunities

Double degree with Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia)
Students enrolled in this programme will have an opportunity to compete for acceptance to a double degree with Deakin University at their Melbourne campus. After completing the one-year Master's in International Strategic Management (60 credits), you can take an additional trimester (4 units, July-November) within the Master of Commerce. You do not need to write another thesis. You apply in February, during your second semester in Lund.

Read more about this double degree opportunity

International Master Class
Students with exceptional study results during the first semester at the MSc in International Strategic Management, may compete for seats at the International Master Class (IMC) programme.


Interested in getting an individual sustainability profile?
Ethics, responsibility and sustainability dimensions are embedded in all courses at the programme, and specifically addressed in the four elective courses Innovation management, Performance measurement and management, Re-imagining capitalism" and Global business and sustainability. If you complete your elective courses and your degree project with a sustainabilitypurpose/topic, you have qualified for a diploma-based minor in sustainability.

Extra curricular track: Living the Sustainability Idea
Living the Sustainability Idea is an extra curricular track where you get the opportunity to know more about the concept Inner Development Goals, meet companies, be introduced to the latest research and get individual coaching to start your personal journey. Its a possibility for you to explore, practice and reflect on your skills and capabilities.


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Examen på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) med minst 60 högskolepoäng i företagsekonomi. Engelska 6/B.

Examen & Intyg

Lunds universitet

Lunds universitet har sin naturliga plats bland Europas främsta lärosäten. Som Skandinaviens största enhet för högre utbildning och forskning bedriver universitetet idag verksamhet inom ett brett spektrum av ämnen. På Lunds universitet arbetar cirka 6 800 personer – lärare, forskare,...

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