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Avancerad nivå (Magister- och Masterexamen)

Arbetsintegrerad hållbar utveckling, masterprogram

Högskolan Väst, i Trollhättan
120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer
120 hp
Nästa startdatum
Höst 2024 se detaljer

Kommande starter

1 tillgängligt startdatum

Höst 2024

  • Klassrum
  • Trollhättan

Om utbildningen

Expertise in sustainable developmentOne of University West's primary long-term goals is to support sustainable development in all activities and education. The School of Business, Economics and IT, which delivers your programme, has many years of expertise in a number of areas that are closely related to sustainable development, including:Sustainable community buildingCitizenship and democracy studiesEnvironmental studiesMacroeconomics and microeconomicsIT and digitalisationSocietal developmentLeadership studiesPedagogyAs a student in this programme, youll join a thriving community of professors, researchers and doctoral candidates. Your courses and instructors are based in the active research at University West, which is internationally recognised for work in Work Integrated Learning (WIL). International focusChoose an internship or study abroad in the third semester of your programme. Students from around the globe come together in your programme to create a unique and international environment. The programme is fully taught in English, and you will collaborate with students from Sweden as well as international students. Many of your instructors also have international experience in both research and education. This will enhance your cultural experience and English-language proficiency. Work Integrated LearningWork integrated learning runs through the entire programme. You will simultaneously study and engage in activities (such as data collection, optional internship, etc.) while facing so-called "wicked problems": complex problems that require more than one theoretical perspective to solve. Reflection and collaborative learning with a constant interplay between theoretical models/perspectives and practical applications structure your course. The programme is multidisciplinary and includes study in organisational development, sustainability, political science, law, environmental philosophy and more. Work-integrated learning forms the foundation of your studies, with special focus on sustainable development.The programme prepares you to:Reflect on how knowledge is created, learned and translated into practical action within and between activities, society and the stateUnderstand sustainable development, the common global goals and their complexityEvaluate these goals and their relevance to specific situationsMap out how these goals can be achieved organisationally through cooperation within and between organisations or groupsYou will learn:To develop fact-based and critical perspectives of sustainable developmentTo discuss normative and moral values around sustainabilityHow theoretical knowledge is translated into practical resultsKey ideas around organisational impact, knowledge development and change managementDistinctive features of sustainability and sustainability competenceImportant competencies and strategies leading towards sustainable developmentThrough systematic reflection on the relationship between facts and norms, practical and theoretical knowledge, you will gain insight into how organisations and groups can take a results-based approach to achieve sustainable development. CareerAs a graduate of this programme, your skills and knowledge will be in high demand from different organisations and in various political contexts. In Sweden, we are known for our innovative and ethical management practices, with many opportunities for creative leaders. Within Trollhättan alone, there are many important industries. It is a hub for transforming industries, such as auto manufacturing and the aerospace industry. Many companies are searching for employees with these new competencies. On graduation, you will be highly competitive for positions within private, public and non-profit sectors or for further PhD studies. Further educationThis programme helps you build a strong foundation in the field and develop the qualifications you need to pursue your PhD in the broader fields of WIL and sustainable development. After graduation, you will be eligible to continue studying as a PhD student at University West or other universities in Sweden and abroad.

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Kandidatexamen om 180 hp eller motsvarande. Engelska 6 eller motsvarande.

Examen & Intyg

Högskolan Väst
Box 936
461 86 Trollhättan

Högkolan Väst

Högskolan Väst i Trollhättan är en modern högskola som erbjuder arbetslivsnära utbildningar i en attraktiv och modern studiemiljö. Hos oss står studenten och lärandet i centrum. Arbetsintegrerat lärande som synsätt och metod präglar verksamheten och är högskolans profil. Trollhättan är...

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